Site Updates

Categories: News

I’ve been making a lot of updates to the site, spurred on by releasing FluidPatcher and trying to get some actual helpful/archival content out into cloudspace. Unfortunately, I am a slow writer – or maybe just ploddingly methodical. Assuming anyone out there has an eye on this, feel free to drop a suggestion/request/encouragement – and … Read More

New Plan

Categories: Development

okay new plan because why ever finish thisrelease my own pyfluidsynth that is more compatible with fluidsynth 2 and python3also has a dict attribute that tracks the loaded soundfonts, idsmaybe other stuff toorewrite to use objects so we don’t have messy globalsmaybe part the bank/patch stuff into a separate script, fold the stompboxpi … Read More


Categories: Development

use tinyfilemanager ( for web interface new yaml format, script to convert old->new easy directory structure: scripts in ~/SquishBox directory soundfonts banks speed up boot time look into some kind of bare-metal fluidsynth build? fast but less mod-able separate service to start LCD with version + maybe progress bar midi routing – expand with mido … Read More