New PCB Work

Categories: Development, News

The Tindie store has been out of stock for a bit as I work on updating the PCB and making some adjustments to the code to improve performance (more on the code in a later post). I tried a new version of the PCB that moves the contrast potentiometer to the opposite side, where it … Read More

Update and Coming in 2023

Categories: Development, News

Here’s where things are at the moment. I made a batch of SquishBox kits and units available in the store, after a short delay waiting for parts and making some (I think) helpful modifications to the enclosure layout and updating instructions to match. They sold so quickly I think I might need to order a … Read More

Vortex Wireless 2 Teardown

Categories: Development, Thoughts

I decided to open up my keytar for the purpose of cleaning, but also to see if I could figure out what kind of MCU it has with the idea of possibly writing my own firmware. I’ve got a few reasons for this, mostly to do with the pads. First, when switching between presets on … Read More

SquishBox PCB Update

Categories: Development, News

I’ve been working on an update to the SquishBox that uses a rotary encoder instead of two buttons to switch patches, open menus, etc. One stompbutton remains, but is instead sends a MIDI message that can be routed to any function desired depending on the patch/bank settings. I’ve also added a status LED that can … Read More

FluidPatcher Power Up

Categories: Development, News

I was poking around in the Fluidsynth code as a result of trying to figure out a slick way to monitor MIDI messages and realized I could get FS to call my own custom python function to handle MIDI events, and do whatever I want to them and pass them on to the synth as … Read More

ModSynth Update

Categories: Development, News

I took some time to add and properly adjust a bunch of modulators in the ModSynth font. Now one has easy access to most of the useful synth parameters via CC messages – set your controller’s knobs/sliders to CC’s 71-90 and you can control the filter cutoff/resonance, volume and modulation envelopes, and modulation and vibrato … Read More

Maybe Break Stuff?

Categories: Development

I just realized bank files are designed wrong! Right now, keywords like router_rules, cc, and cc_links can be used within individual patches or at bank level (i.e. zero indent). Bank-level keywords are applied first, then keywords in individual patches. This works to create defaults for all patches, like sending volume and reverb CC’s to all … Read More

Update/Install Script

Categories: Development, News

I devoted a couple days to some bash programming and wrote a script for Raspberry Pi that can install/configure everything for the SquishBox or headless Pi synth. The user selects some options, and the script can then install/update fluidpatcher, configure audio and startup settings, compile and install the latest FluidSynth, set up tinyfilemanager for uploading … Read More

Leveling Up

Categories: Development, News

I sold out of my first batch of SquishBoxes that I built using standard perfboard, so I decided to get serious and print some PCBs. This will make the next batch of SquishBoxes a bit sturdier (and less expensive, since I can put them together more quickly and with less parts), and also lets me … Read More

Headless Pi Synth

Categories: Development, News

I’ve put together a headless implementation of FluidPatcher that works on a Raspberry Pi without the need for any extras (i.e. buttons/screens) by polling for specific CC messages to change patches. Just another way people can try out the code and come up with their own use cases. I like to think of someone just … Read More