Back in Stock!

Categories: News

Happy to report the updated SquishBoxes and kits are available in the Tindie store! The new update uses a custom PCB with SMT components, which means no need for a separate break-out board for the DAC, and an on-board switching voltage regulator that provides much steadier and more reliable power for your Raspberry Pi from … Read More

New PCB Work

Categories: Development, News

The Tindie store has been out of stock for a bit as I work on updating the PCB and making some adjustments to the code to improve performance (more on the code in a later post). I tried a new version of the PCB that moves the contrast potentiometer to the opposite side, where it … Read More

Update and Coming in 2023

Categories: Development, News

Here’s where things are at the moment. I made a batch of SquishBox kits and units available in the store, after a short delay waiting for parts and making some (I think) helpful modifications to the enclosure layout and updating instructions to match. They sold so quickly I think I might need to order a … Read More

Post Knobcon Recap

Categories: News, Thoughts

It was an interesting three days at Knobcon. I played with a lot of different gear, learned some stuff, saw some cool performances, met lots of people. Everyone I talked to was super friendly and relaxed, and willing to let me bombard them with questions about their gear or their business. I was surprised to … Read More

Heading to Knobcon 10

Categories: News

I’m heading to Knobcon for the first time this weekend, right next door in Chicago. No booth or anything (maybe next year?), just out to meet people, sit in some workshops and learn things, and check out some crazy synth gear!

Lesson Videos – End in Sight

Categories: News

Just posted video lesson 6! These take me a long time to finish for some reason, but I’ve got the plan for lessons 7-9 in my head so the end is in sight! It’ll feel good to have the lesson series complete. Go check out the latest installment below.

SquishBox PCB Update

Categories: Development, News

I’ve been working on an update to the SquishBox that uses a rotary encoder instead of two buttons to switch patches, open menus, etc. One stompbutton remains, but is instead sends a MIDI message that can be routed to any function desired depending on the patch/bank settings. I’ve also added a status LED that can … Read More

FluidPatcher Power Up

Categories: Development, News

I was poking around in the Fluidsynth code as a result of trying to figure out a slick way to monitor MIDI messages and realized I could get FS to call my own custom python function to handle MIDI events, and do whatever I want to them and pass them on to the synth as … Read More

New Lesson Video!

Categories: News

A third video in the FluidPatcher lesson series is up! This one is all about using control change messages to their maximum capability. As usual, creating these lesson videos prompts me to make some updates, add features, and of course find and fix sneaky bugs – so make sure to run the update script!

International Shipping

Categories: News

I did some research online for international shipping rates lower than the $50-$100 range, and decided to go with Pirate Ship. It’s still not cheap, but at least it’s reasonable. So, if you’re outside the US and have been hoping to get your hands on something from the Tindie store – check it out now!