MIDI Filtering

Categories: Development

I want a way for FluidPatcher to listen to incoming messages so I can map something to inc/dec patch and select patch. NS if there’s a way to “listen” to an input port that’s already connected to FluidSynth – patcher.py would have to pass messages back and forth. Tried with Mido but there’s too much … Read More

This is How We Do it

Categories: Development, News

I’ve spent the last week working up a wxpython implementation of fluidpatcher that works as a cross-platform editor and player of patches. This makes it easy to quickly create, test, and use complex and interesting patch setups! I also made a downloadable installer for windows that includes the latest version of FluidSynth and posted it … Read More

SquishBox setup notes

Categories: Development

setting up in debian buster write image, save ssh, wpa_supplicant.conf to /boot sudo apt-get update/upgrade sudo apt-get install fluidsynth build newest fluid: get source; edit /etc/apt/sources.list uncomment deb-src line; sudo apt-get build-dep fluidsynth –no-install-recommends; mkdir build; cmake ..; make install nginx – (https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/web-server/nginx.md) – lots of stuffsudo apt-get install nginx; sudo apt-get install php-fpm; edit … Read More

New Plan

Categories: Development

okay new plan because why ever finish thisrelease my own pyfluidsynth that is more compatible with fluidsynth 2 and python3also has a dict attribute that tracks the loaded soundfonts, idsmaybe other stuff toorewrite squishbox.py to use objects so we don’t have messy globalsmaybe part the bank/patch stuff into a separate patcher.py script, fold the stompboxpi … Read More


Categories: Development

use tinyfilemanager (https://github.com/prasathmani/tinyfilemanager) for web interface new yaml format, script to convert old->new easy directory structure: scripts in ~/SquishBox directory soundfonts banks speed up boot time look into some kind of bare-metal fluidsynth build? fast but less mod-able separate service to start LCD with version + maybe progress bar midi routing – expand with mido … Read More