ModSynth Update

Categories: Development, News

I took some time to add and properly adjust a bunch of modulators in the ModSynth font. Now one has easy access to most of the useful synth parameters via CC messages – set your controller’s knobs/sliders to CC’s 71-90 and you can control the filter cutoff/resonance, volume and modulation envelopes, and modulation and vibrato … Read More

Update/Install Script

Categories: Development, News

I devoted a couple days to some bash programming and wrote a script for Raspberry Pi that can install/configure everything for the SquishBox or headless Pi synth. The user selects some options, and the script can then install/update fluidpatcher, configure audio and startup settings, compile and install the latest FluidSynth, set up tinyfilemanager for uploading … Read More

Sticker Time

Categories: News

Stickers arrived today! Now I feel like I can show finished images of the MidiFoot and StompByte, and work on getting build instructions for the kits up on Hackaday and building the Tindie store pages. Coming soon!

FluidPatcher Lessons

Categories: News

I posted the first of a series of lessons on using FluidPatcher on YouTube! I’ve been meaning to get these up for a while, hopefully they show people the amazing versatility of this software in making your own perfect DIY synth module!

Leveling Up

Categories: Development, News

I sold out of my first batch of SquishBoxes that I built using standard perfboard, so I decided to get serious and print some PCBs. This will make the next batch of SquishBoxes a bit sturdier (and less expensive, since I can put them together more quickly and with less parts), and also lets me … Read More

New Thing – StompByte!

Categories: News

A few years ago I cobbled together a quick build of a digital stompbox using the PCMAudio code running on an ATMega328p to play 8-bit audio samples off one of the PWM pins. I built it into a cheap plastic sustain pedal, used it for a duo gig with a friend, then stuck it in … Read More

Squishbox Editor: FluidPatcher Desktop Mode

Categories: News

FluidPatcher has had the wxpython-powered desktop implementation wxfluidpatcher.pyw for a bit, but I’ve added a couple things to make it more complete (e.g. settings menu) and written a simple implementation of Python’s socket library so it can remotely connect to a SquishBox or headless RPi synth – this means you can use it on Windows, … Read More

Headless Pi Synth

Categories: Development, News

I’ve put together a headless implementation of FluidPatcher that works on a Raspberry Pi without the need for any extras (i.e. buttons/screens) by polling for specific CC messages to change patches. Just another way people can try out the code and come up with their own use cases. I like to think of someone just … Read More

This is How We Do it

Categories: Development, News

I’ve spent the last week working up a wxpython implementation of fluidpatcher that works as a cross-platform editor and player of patches. This makes it easy to quickly create, test, and use complex and interesting patch setups! I also made a downloadable installer for windows that includes the latest version of FluidSynth and posted it … Read More

Site Updates

Categories: News

I’ve been making a lot of updates to the site, spurred on by releasing FluidPatcher and trying to get some actual helpful/archival content out into cloudspace. Unfortunately, I am a slow writer – or maybe just ploddingly methodical. Assuming anyone out there has an eye on this, feel free to drop a suggestion/request/encouragement – and … Read More